Actions You Can Take at School
Climate change is perhaps the greatest threat we face. We can all do simple things to help reduce our carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions and so mitigate their effect on the climate. We give some suggestions below. And you can find more ideas for fighting climate change here:
Some Suggestions
Students can all do simple things at school, or ask your school to make simple changes, to help reduce our carbon and other greenhouse gas emissions and so mitigate their effect on the climate. Here are some suggestions. Feel free to add your own ideas in the comments box below.
- If you have a fruit or snack that you don’t want, don’t throw it out. Give it away to someone who needs it and is asking for help.
- Does your school have boxes to collect recyclable waste? If not, ask teachers if the school could get some.
- Cycle or walk or take public transport to work. Only use a car when you’ve got a big group.
- Ask your teacher whether your school uses energy efficient heating and cooling technology.
- Ask the teachers to adjust the thermostat, lower in winter, higher in summer.
- Does your school canteen use plastic plates/cups/cutlery? Get a petition together to ask that they stop using plastic and instead use reusable equipment such as ceramic plates and metal cutlery. You might need to argue your case because this will require the equipment to be washed, which will cost money. You need to prove that the school will be saving money in the long run as well as saving the planet.
- Apply for an EcoAward