HomeCampaigning GroupsBrandon Marsh Nature Reserve


Brandon Marsh Nature Reserve — 2 Comments

  1. WWT needs to introduce up to date thinking regarding woodland management by rewilding woods and allowing natural regeneration on nearby land, woods then become the seed bank
    for natural expansion and linking. The National Trust has introduced this in Sussex with some fields alongside woods planted for future timber extraction and others left to regenerate naturally for the benefit of wildlife. Excellent results with both showing similar growth patterns and the only management is to keep paths clear for the benefit and health of local communities. Nature is the best manager for our ancient and urban woodlands.

  2. Some local people are extremely concerned at the number of trees that are being felled in WWT woodlands and sold as wood fuel. This is adding to pollution and Climate Change by pumping all the carbon the trees are storing back into the air. It is also destroying established habitat and some species, particularly moths. We believe that out dated woodland management has to change to prevent the loss of canopy and extinction.

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