Call for US$40 million for Viet Nam after Historic Floods
An estimated 1.5 million people have been affected by torrential rains, widespread flooding, and landslides triggered by five consecutive storms that have hit central Viet Nam in the past month. As of 28 October, more than 200 people had been killed or were reported missing, almost 390,000 houses had been flooded, and more than 300,000 families had been evacuated, according to the Vietnam Disaster Management Authority (VNDMA). Many people in affected areas have lost almost all of their household possessions or have had their homes, food stocks, livestock and their crops heavily damaged, with the most vulnerable people bearing the worst consequences. Typhoon Molave alone, which hit Viet Nam on 28 October, damaged 92,000 houses and killed at least 36 people. After sweeping through the Philippines, Typhoon Goni is expected to bring further rains to the Vietnam’s central provinces in the coming days.
In consultation with the Government, the United Nations Resident Coordinator together with the Save the Children Country Director released the 2020 Vietnam Floods Response Plan on behalf of the Disaster Management Group on October 31, 2020 seeking US$40 million to provide assistance to 177,000 of the most vulnerable flood-affected people in the central provinces of Viet Nam. The Plan covers six months and addresses both immediate humanitarian needs and some early recovery activities.
“The UN, humanitarian partners, and the Red Cross are focused on meeting the needs of the most vulnerable people in flood-affected area,” said UN Resident Coordinator Mr Kamal Malhotra. “They need immediate life-saving assistance now, as well as recovery support to help them rebuild their lives and livelihoods.”
The Government of Viet Nam has called for international emergency relief and support. A joint Government-UN-NGO assessment was conducted in the five most affected provinces, including Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam and Quang Ngai provinces. The key findings identified the need to provide multi-sectoral assistance to 177,000 of the most vulnerable people in affected areas. An estimated 153,000 children are also at risk of discontinued learning due to damaged schools and in need for emergency education supplies including hygiene supplies and devices for online learning.
Humanitarian support is also required in evacuation sites that currently do not have enough supplies to meet basic needs including access to clean water and sanitation facilities, putting people at risk of sickness and disease. While no local transmission of COVID-19 have been reported in Viet Nam in over two months, efforts are underway to ensure the necessary prevention measures in place in all evacuation sites to mitigate the risk of communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Protection activities, especially for women and girls, are essential for those living in evacuation sites. The Government has also requested that all relief activities target the most vulnerable people including women, female-headed households, children, people with disabilities, older people, as well as poor and near-poor people.
“Many people were already under the economic stress created by the second wave of COVID-19 which hit Central Viet Nam. These floods have left people in a devastating situation.” said Mr. Malhotra. “Once immediate life-saving needs are addressed, we must prioritize the humanitarian-development nexus to help the poorest and most vulnerable people recover, while supporting all communities in Viet Nam to become more climate-resilient and resilient than ever before.”
Download the 2020 Viet Nam Rapid Floods Plan: