Coventry City Council Promoting illegal e-scooters and e-skateboards
This is the poster promoting an event that Coventry City Council will be running an E-power Day between 10:00 and 16:00 at Millennium Place outside the Coventry Transport Museum on 28 October, and their publicity for the event says:
E-scooters, electric and traditional bicycles, electric skateboards and even segways all fall under the term micro mobility which are fantastic new personal transport solution for urban areas.
Some people are happy to jump on the latest innovation and take a spin around town, however, we understand not everyone is comfortable with this. So why not join a safe trial day for free?
E-power Day event gives you the opportunity to not only find out more about micro mobility and how it could fit into your everyday life, but also trial some of these great new products in a safe, controlled environment.
They seem unaware that the use of e-scooters and e-skateboards is illegal in public places unless they are on hire as part of a recognised trial scheme. Millennium Place is clearly a public place.
Surely their poster should have large warning signs stating the law over these modes of transport?