Coventry City Council’s Carbon Management Plan
Following the publication of Coventry’s Carbon Action Plan in 2008, the following year Coventry City Council published its Carbon Management Plan (CMP). It begins:
Coventry City Council is determined to lead the city to a sustainable and low-carbon future that will ensure that residents, visitors and businesses choose Coventry as a preferred location in which to live, work and invest. However a sustainable and low carbon future won’t happen by chance, it will require a concerted effort by those organisations that influence energy consumption and resource use in Coventry.
The City Council has a duty to lead by example.
The CMP set an aspirational target of reducing the Council’s carbon dioxide emissions by 30% over five years.
Five years later, in 2014, a revised version of the Carbon Management Plan was produced which said that the five year delivery period for the CMP had ended and the City Council had missed its target, reducing its carbon dioxide emissions by only 27%. The new version detailed progress made so far and set the agenda and carbon targets for the next six years.
The plan will require significant investment by the City Council; on-going rationalisation of the estate; efficient use of space and other resources, together with effective management of stakeholder behaviours relating to energy consumption.
The CMP will constantly evolve, and by means of an annual, formal evaluation of its success, will improve its effectiveness and ensure relevance as the Council adapts to internal and external pressures and leads the way in achieving a sustainable and low carbon future.
As far as we can ascertain these annual reviews never happened.