HomeAir PollutionEmissions Charge in Coventry


Emissions Charge in Coventry — 3 Comments

  1. The charge has NOTHING to do with congestion.

    The media is London based, so everything they think is framed by what has happened in London. There a congestion charge has been expanded, but only for high emission vehicles.

    I’m no support of a Emissions Charge in Coventry, but that is a much better name.

    • Hi George, Thanks for this useful comment. I will modify the post to include a note about this.

  2. great way to kill the City, I already avoid City Centre as much as possible due to parking costs, congestion Charge will mean I will drive further and use more fuel to avoid that charge, I have family that live in Earlsdon and unfortunately the charge would mean seeing them less as I am against another tax which is all this really.
    Isolation of the elderly will increase.
    6 sibling and 5 avoid city centre already 6th has never driven and likes city centre though she always needs a lift due to public transport problems in City.
    Public transport is to be avoided in Coventry as it is awful and extremely unreliable in London you do not need a car as Public transport is good and regular, I could rarely get to work on time when I used public transport in Coventry so needed a car public transport is only for 9-5 workers and students.

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