Why clean growth is good for business
Date(s) - 10/03/2020
08:00 - 10:30
Ramada Hotel, Coventry
This event will explore some of the skills needed to develop a sustainability strategy within your organisation and effectively communicate that strategy at a board and senior level to drive change. Attendees will explore why clean growth should be intrinsic to any business growth strategy. There will also be details provided around funding which is available for small to medium sized organisations (SMEs) who want to adopt cleaner energy models through the Coventry and Warwickshire Green Business Programme which is being delivered by Coventry City Council and is part funded by the ERDF.
Event objectives:
- Link productivity and performance gains with environmental sustainability
- Receive details on how to develop and grow a sustainable business profile
- Discuss the benefits of getting it right, and the consequences of getting it wrong
- Hear from organisations who have received funding through the Green Business Programme and why they build sustainability into their business plans
- Explore the business benefits of going green with a range of information about the support available to assist in achieving clean growth goals
- Identify how a business can gain a competitive advantage by taking early action in moving to low carbon approaches
Refreshments and a breakfast will be provided. This event is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and is being delivered by Coventry City Council.