Have an environmentally friendly Christmas
In 2007 a report by the Stockholm Environment Institute estimated that our total consumption and spending on food, travel, lighting and gifts over three days of festivities could result in as much as 650 kg of carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) per person – equivalent to the weight of 1,000 Christmas puddings! This is 5.5% of our total annual carbon footprint.
However it found there are a number of actions we can all take which can reduce our CO2 emissions by over 60% to 250 kg. This is equivalent to a saving in weight to 615 Christmas puddings.
In this time of seasonal goodwill, we should all spare a thought for the planet.
See their recommendations here.
Jen Gale who maintains the SUSTAINABLE(ISH) website with humanity and humour writes
You don’t need to be a hardened environmentalist to feel guilty about the sheer excess of a 21st century Christmas, and to worry about the impact our celebrations and festivities are having on the planet.
Pretty much everyone I speak to in the run up to Christmas bemoans the overwhelming volume of ‘stuff’, the expense, and the waste. Yet each and every year we carry on as before, only possibly even that little bit ‘more’, that little bit ‘bigger’ – because we need to make each year better than the last don’t we?
She is offering an “Essential Guide to a Crap-Free Christmas” for £6 from this page.
Her Facebook group is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/AMakeDoandMendLife/
Her Facebook group for how to cope with kids and sustainability is at https://www.facebook.com/groups/sustainableish/
She also does talks in schools and businesses.
She has a weekly podcast available at https://www.asustainablelife.co.uk/a-sustainable-life-podcast/