Now Or Never
Clean Up Britain is a national UK organisation specialising in changing anti-social environmental behaviours – especially littering and fly-tipping.
In 2018 they launched their ‘Now or Never’ campaign in Leamington. They say this is “the most comprehensive and multi-faceted anti-litter behavioural change campaign ever in the UK.”
During the campaign they will be tackling litter head on, and other important, related topics – single use plastics, disposable coffee cups, fly-tipping and local businesses impact on the environment.
This campaign will draw the link between environmental respect, personal responsibility and community pride.
They will be working closely with Warwick Business School Behavioural Science Group, Warwick District Council, community groups and other supporting partners to test out a variety of campaign approaches and nudges to encourage people to do the right thing.
The objective is to prompt a sustained reduction in the amount of people who litter – especially younger people.
This will be achieved by education, community collaboration, a raft of communication techniques, legal enforcement, behavioural ‘nudges’ and improved infrastructure.
The campaign will be rigorously measured and results quantified.