One Coventry
The Council Plan 2016-24, also called One Coventry, sets out the City Council’s vision and priorities for the city.
It includes the following aims that relate to climate change:
- Reduce operating costs and reduce carbon emissions.
- Work together with neighbours and partners across the voluntary, public and private sectors to pool and share resources
- Encourage people to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste
- Upkeep parks and open spaces
The plan and performance reports can be downloaded here
The full list of objectives is as follows.
Contents of this page
Globally Connected
Promoting the growth of a sustainable Coventry economy by
Supporting businesses to grow through
- Attracting inward investment
- Helping businesses expand
- Encouraging them to create jobs
- Improving access to skilled workers
- Retaining skilled graduates in the area
Developing the city centre for the 21st century by
- Enhancing the quality of public spaces
- Bringing the city centre to life with a range of employment, leisure, education and retail opportunities
Creating the infrastructure for the city to grow and thrive by
- Providing leadership to stimulate the Friargate business district near the railway station
- Making the city more accessible for businesses, visitors and local people through better road, rail and digital connections
Raising the profile of Coventry through
- Encouraging businesses to relocate to the city
- Developing economic, business and trade links with other cities
- Promoting Coventry as a visitor destination and centre for arts and culture ports and leisure; music and events
Making sure that residents share in the benefits
Helping local people into jobs through
- Improving employability through access to skills and qualifications
- Creating routes into work, including apprenticeship opportunities
Increasing the supply, choice and quality of housing
Reducing the impact of poverty through
- Supporting those experiencing fuel poverty
- Promoting a living wage
- Supporting families experiencing debt to take greater control of their finances
- Availability of appropriate and relevant advice and information
Increasing access to arts, sports and cultural opportunities including leisure, music and events
Locally Committed
We are committed to improving the quality of life for Coventry people by working with local communities to…
Create an attractive, cleaner and greener city through
- Maintaining the street scene (roads/pavements/cleanliness)
- Encouraging people to reduce, reuse and recycle their waste
- The upkeep of parks and open spaces
Improving educational outcomes by working with schools to continue to improve school standards
Making communities safer together with the police, to reduce crime and antisocial behaviour
- Working with victims, offenders and neighbourhoods
Improving health and wellbeing
- Helping local residents lead healthier lifestyles including better mental health and
- Helping people to maintain their independence and supporting them when they need help.
Protecting our most vulnerable people
- Keeping children and adults safe from harm
- Providing early intervention for families who need it
- Enabling people to exercise choice and control in their daily lives
- Improving services for people experiencing domestic violence and
- Preventing homelessness and helping people who do become homeless
Reducing health inequalities
- Giving our children the best start in life
- Working towards becoming an age friendly city
- Helping support people facing multiple and complex needs
Delivering Our Priorities With Fewer Resources
We will use our increasingly limited resources effectively by…
Making savings so that we can support frontline services by
- Rationalising our property portfolio
- Reducing operating costs and reducing carbon emissions
- Maximising our income through collecting Business Rates, Council Tax and reviewing fees and charges
- Levering additional funding through grants and bids
- Using income generated through our commercial property portfolio
- Reducing staffing costs
Support the regeneration of Coventry’s economy by
- Utilising the Coventry Investment Fund
- Adding social value
- Encouraging local contracts
Change how we work to become more flexible and adaptable, by
- Putting local people and their needs at the heart of the customer journey
- Developing our workforce and new ways of working through culture change
- Sharing services
- Working with our neighbours and the sub-region
Active communities and empowered citizens
We will have new conversations with residents, communities and partners, enabling people to do more for themselves by…
Empowering citizens and encouraging active communities to
- Uncover and use their own assets to achieve their ambitions
- Share and improve local services
- Design and implement solutions that meet local priorities.
Working together with neighbours and partners across the voluntary, public and private sectors to
- Enable residents to self-serve by maximising the use of new technology
- Pool and share resources
- Solve local problems
- Encourage the development of social enterprises, mutual and other operating models