Refill Water Bottle Scheme
Refill is a grassroots movement run by individuals who want to stop plastic pollution by making it easier to reuse and refill a bottle of water instead of buying a new one. It was apparently started in the UK by City to Sea although there are similar schemes in other countries and the main site promoting the idea here is
Severn Trent is supporting the revolution In the West Midlands and they claim that over 600 businesses have already signed up, with more joining all the time and adding to the 12,000 Refill Stations across the UK – these include shops, cafes, restaurants and museums.
There are Android and Apple apps that let you find a refill station when you travel, but so far we have failed to find that is reliable and does not occupy too much space on a smartphone.
So whenever your water bottle is running low – look out for the blue Refill sticker in the window of local businesses. You’ll be able to ask for it to be refilled free of charge, or use the self-service station provided. There’s no catch and you don’t have to buy anything in return – unless of course you wanted to treat yourself to a cream cake or two.
If you don’t have a reusable water bottle – why not invest in one? That way, you’ll always have a bottle ready to fill up when you’re thirsty. By swapping bottled water for free tap water it will soon pay for itself and you’ll be helping the environment too.
Refill Birmingham
Severn Trent have run Refill Birmingham Action Days with volunteers who signed up new refill stations.