Support Tree Wardens’ Drive to Plant Cherry Trees in Caludon Park
Coventry Tree Wardens have put in a grant application to plant a cherry avenue to brighten up Caludon Park. This application is dependant on public support.
Covid makes it difficult to approach people in person, so they have set up a petition on the Council website.
The text of the petition reads:
“We the undersigned petition the Council to support the Coventry Tree Wardens in their bid on behalf of the Council to plant an avenue of cherry trees in Caludon Park. The park lacks colour and we feel that this would be a great improvement and would encourage more visitors, especially in Springtime.
“Our application has been accepted in principle by the grant provider, but we need to supply evidence of local support and it is a difficult time to approach people in public. Without this, the grant will not be considered, so please help us by signing this petition. The local councillors and parks officer are very much in favour. Our deadline is the middle of January 2022. Many thanks.”
Please help them by signing it here before 16 January 2022.