Coventry and Warwickshire Air Quality People’s Chamber
Coventry and Warwickshire Air Quality People’s Chamber (CWAQPC) is a new organisation initiated by the local community led by Professor Reza Ziarati with support from resident’s associations, local innovators, pollution experts, green businesses, local councils, the medical profession, engineering and scientific professional bodies including the two local universities.
The idea of the Chamber is to bring all people in Coventry and Warwickshire to come together sharing ideas and expertise to improve air quality and support climate action initiatives.
The chamber is open to all organisations and individuals to initiate ideas or seek help to implement tangible and practical projects at local, national and international levels. There are a number of businesses supporting the Chamber but the prime sponsor at the moment, Centre for Factories of the Future ( has many years of experience in air pollution studies with exceptional track record in collaborative education, R&D and innovation projects.
Their website is
They held a conference in July 2020 and a report on this is available below.
CW-AQPC 2020 Conference Report - Final